Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mother's Day Out!

My little girl started mother's day out today! The name of her "school" is My School. How original! I wanted to put her in "school" when she turned three which was just last week. It started at 9. We took all the obligatory photos. We (David Anthony and myself) dropped her off. She was already into everything in the classroom by the time the teacher, Ms. Tracy, got there. I gave her a quick kiss and off she went... no tears, no "mama, don't leave me", no "I don't want to go". I was secretly hoping for some of that. I went straight to the car for fear I might do/say some of the same things. I shed a quick tear on the way home. It is scary, I don't want her to be bullied or be the bully, I don't want her to make fun of people and I don't want her to be the one getting made fun of. If I am this worried about two days a week what is going to happen when she goes to college?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Soccer Mom?

Okay, so for Christmas my husband got me a Toyota Sienna. It is probably the nicest car I have ever owned! I absolutely love it! It is so easy to get the kids in and out of. It is all "tricked out" it has bluetooth, voice activated navigation system, JBL sound system with DVD and leatha!! I know there has always been some sort of stigma that goes with driving a mini van. My sweet sister asked me if by getting one I was going to home school my kids and not get them vaccinated! She is so great!! But now she secretly wants one!! I am including a picture: It is not my car but very similar. Mine is desert sand mica or for you non mini van driving people: GOLD!!