Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back at it!

Hey all. Well today was my first day back at work! It went pretty good. I miss those babies like crazy, but the grandparents say everyone did good and everyone survived. It took me a while to get back in the groove of things and it did help that we weren't very busy. I am actually writing this at work right now. I know what a good use of the company time. But I think my sister also does it, so I should be okay! Well I should go for now it is almost time to pick the kiddos up. YEA!!


Amanda Gregory said...

I am so glad everyone survived. If they ever say anything, tell them you get a 15 minute break every 4 hours. It's the LAW!

David said...

It's a big place...no one will worry about it. Glad you had a great day.
